Our mission

We all want to live in good health, for as long as possible. Today, our choices are either broad health advice or waiting until illness strikes.
This needs to change.
We're on the cusp of a new era in healthcare: 

cutting-edge science and technology are empowering us with unprecedented insights into our bodies, enabling the prediction and prevention of diseases before they manifest.
This is the era of proactive care.
At KOR we’re crafting the next-generation of services 
and products to bring it to everyone - starting with a new 
health check up. Because we all deserve to live not just longer, 
but better fuller and with purpose - we all deserve to thrive.
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From reactive
to proactive care

Today, our healthcare model is entirely reactive, treating symptoms after they appear. We're paving the way for a future where prevention is the norm, where early detection and proactive care lead to improved health outcomes.
Reactive care
Treating symptoms

after they arise
Treating everyone

the same way
“Band-aid”  approach
Proactive care
Preventing health issues
before they occur
Personalized care
based on the individual
Continuous care
for better health long term

Our medical
advisory board

At Kor, we bring together a team of top physicians and researchers to develop our services, to deliver proactive care that's grounded in research and proven to improve health outcomes.
Raphael Attal, MD
AP-HP, Hôpitaux de Paris - Saint-Joseph Hospital - Morfo
  • Expert in cardiovascular prevention and vascular diseases
  • Vascular MD for over 10 years in public hospitals and private clinics
  • Co-founder of Morfo, a multidisciplinary medical center for athletes
Agathe Lombart, MD
Université Paris-Sorbonne, Santé Noisy
  • Expert in women's health
  • General practitioner specializing in gynecology
  • Co-founder of Santé Noisy, a multidisciplinary clinic focused on women's health
  • Thesis on the impact of endocrine disruptors
Salam Abbara, MD, PhD
AP-HP, Health Data Hub, Institut Pasteur, INSERM
  • Expert in medical data
  • Specialist in internal medicine and infectious diseases
  • PhD in epidemiology

Jean-Emmanuel Bibault, PhD
Stanford University - AP-HP, Hôpitaux de Paris - Paris University
  • Expert in AI, Machine Learning and Oncology
  • Full Professor of Radiation Oncology at Université de Paris & Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou
  • PhD in Medical Informatics, Machine Learning, Data Science
  • Postdoc in Stanford University's Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence for Medicine
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Pryscille Kamtchueng, MD
AP-HP, Hôpitaux de Paris - Saint-Joseph Hospital - Cardiosphere
  • Expert in cardiovascular health
  • Founder of Cardiosphere, a multidisciplinary medical center for cardiovascular health
  • Member of the French National Medical Council

We're also working closely with 15+ specialized physicians (e.g. dermatology, ophtalmology, women's health) to gather the best knowledge on each medical specialty
Experience the future of health
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